
astroimtools.stats.nddata_stats(nddata, sigma_clip=None, columns=None, lower_bound=None, upper_bound=None, mask_value=None, mask_invalid=True)[source]

Calculate various statistics on the input data.

Set the sigma_clip keyword to perform sigma clipping.

nddataNDData or list of NDData

NDData object containing the data array and optional mask on which to calculate statistics. Masked pixels are excluded when computing the image statistics.

sigma_clipastropy.stats.SigmaClip instance, optional

A SigmaClip object that defines the sigma clipping parameters. If None then no sigma clipping will be performed (default).

columnsstr or list of str, optional

The names of columns, in order, to include in the output Table. The column names can include any of the following statistic names: ‘biweight_location’, ‘biweight_midvariance’, ‘kurtosis’, ‘mad_std’, ‘max’, ‘mean’, ‘median’, ‘min’, ‘mode’, ‘npixels’, ‘nrejected’, ‘skew’, or ‘std’. The column names can also include a name of a key in the astropy.nddata.NDData.meta dictionary. The default is ['npixels', 'mean', 'std', 'min', 'max'].

lower_boundfloat, optional

The minimum data value to include in the statistics. All pixel values less than lower_bound will be ignored. None means that no lower bound is applied (default).

upper_boundfloat, optional

The maximum data value to include in the statistics. All pixel values greater than upper_bound will be ignored. None means that no upper bound is applied (default).

mask_valuefloat, optional

A data value (e.g., 0.0) to be masked. mask_value will be masked in addition to any input mask.

mask_invalidbool, optional

If True (the default), then any unmasked invalid values (e.g. NaN, inf) will be masked.


A table containing the calculated image statistics (or NDData metadata). Each table row corresponds to a single data array.


>>> import numpy as np
>>> from astropy.nddata import NDData
>>> from astroimtools import nddata_stats
>>> data = np.arange(10)
>>> data[0] = 100.
>>> nddata = NDData(data)
>>> columns = ['mean', 'median', 'mode', 'std', 'mad_std', 'min', 'max']
>>> tbl = nddata_stats(nddata, columns=columns)
>>> for col in tbl.colnames:
...     tbl[col].info.format = '%.8g'  # for consistent table output
>>> print(tbl)
mean median  mode    std     mad_std  min max
---- ------ ----- --------- --------- --- ---
14.5    5.5 -12.5 28.605069 3.7065055   1 100
>>> from astropy.stats import SigmaClip
>>> sigclip = SigmaClip(sigma=2.5)
>>> tbl = nddata_stats(nddata, sigma_clip=sigclip, columns=columns)
>>> for col in tbl.colnames:
...     tbl[col].info.format = '%.8g'  # for consistent table output
>>> print(tbl)
mean median mode    std     mad_std  min max
---- ------ ---- --------- --------- --- ---
   5      5    5 2.5819889 2.9652044   1   9